So, why MIPIEL..


Meaning “ my skin” in Spanish and a term I grew up having to redefine as I got older. At the age of 2 it started with white patches all over my body which some back home would call “paños”. Hiding my legs from the world I refused to wear skirts or dresses as a little girl so insecurity introduced itself to me early on in life. Seeking the next best dermatologist to help find answers to heal my skin became an ongoing thing to do on the weekends. Until a doctor once said, “Eso se va solo” and they did around the age of 12. Just in time I started getting bumps under my skin. Later, I found out it’s called Hidradenitis Suppurativa. All of this was the cause for becoming a little too obsessed with skincare. 

Spending hours of research on learning about skin, ingredients and ways to achieve healthy clear skin I decided to further my knowledge by attending Catherine Hinds School of Esthetics. I became a licensed esthetician and opened up my own practice studio where I get to help other achieve the skin of they always wanted to achieve and from there MIPIEL brand was born.